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Downloadable Digital Products Terms and Conditions of Sale – Nate Wren Design Icons & Themes

Commercial License

If you have purchased a set of icons, you are free to (and encouraged to) share screenshots and mockups of your self-made home screen set-ups. You are not free to redistribute the source files from the collection of icons!
If you have purchased artwork from Nate Wren Design, you are free to share and distribute your final product. You are not free to redistribute the source files of the artwork.


1. If purchased, the commercial license grants you, the purchaser, an ongoing non-exclusive worldwide license to make use of the this digital art “Item”. The “Item” pertains to the digital product purchased from

2. You are licensed to use the Item in one single “End Product” for yourself or for one client. This End Product may be duplicated and sold.


3. Acceptable examples of an End Product:

You are purchasing this Item for use in a commercial mobile application.

You are using the Item for use in a web page.

You are using the item for use in a poster, flyer, billboard, etc.

You are purchasing this Item for use in an End Product that incorporates the Item as well as other elements. The End Product can not be a re-packaged product of the Item.

The End Product should be larger in scope and different in nature than the Item.


Things this license allows

4. You can create an End Product for a client. This license would then be transferred from you to your client.

5. You can sell and make duplicate copies of the End Product.

6. You can modify the Item and combine it with other things. The resulting works are still subject to the terms of this license.


Things NOT allowed by this license

7. This is a “Single Use” license, not a “Multi Use” license. You cannot use the Item to make more than one End Product.

8. You can not re-distribute the Item in its entirety as stock, or to be used in a tool or template. You can not re-destribute the source files as a re-packaged product or include the source files as a feature of your End Product. You can not redistribute the item as-is or with superficial modifications. Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.

For example: you can not create an icon pack from the Item and re-sell it as your own icon pack.
For example: You can not create a mobile theme using the Item and distribute it publicly.


9. You can not use the Item in any application that allows the user to customize a digital or physical product for their personal needs. Such as a “Build it Yourself” or “Personalize it Yourself” application.

10. A user of the End Product must not be permitted to extract and re-use all or any elements of the Item.

11. The Item can not be used in a logo, trademark or service mark.

12. You may only use the Item for lawful purposes.

13. You may not falsely represent that you are the original creator of the Item.

14. Items that contain digital versions of real products, trademarks or other intellectual property owned by others have not been property released. These Items are licensed on only the basis of editorial use. It is the purchasers responsibility to consider whether the use of these items requires clearance. If so, it is the purchaser’s responsibility to obtain that clearance from the intellectual property rights owner.

15. This license can be terminated if you breach it. If this happens, you must stop making copies or distributing your End Product until the Item is removed from it.

16. The author of the Item (Nate Wren) retains ownership of the Item but grants you the license on these terms. This license is between the author of the Item and you, the purchaser.



Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any matter relating to this Downloadable Digital Products Terms and Conditions of Sale Policy via email [email protected]

Nate Wren Design

35482 Date Palm St. Winchester, Ca 92596